Agent 4's Log NSS Chat Logs Return to WonderWorld

This is Agent 4.

This is where I've decided to log anything important with what has been going on recently, since there has been a lot. Nobody else will be able to see this... for now.

Wait... why did I introduce myself, then? Do I even leave that in /x.x\


Agent 4 Logs

18/08/2022 - nextphase adrenaline

I'm glad to have something like this. It gives me an excuse to actually write down how I feel.
Yeah, this is probably a little bit informal, but that's what happens when you drag kids into your operation.
The only one taking this seriously is probably them.

My final year of classes are about to kick up. Splatsville has been hitting a big boom in popularity recently...
which isn't great for me. I mean even the Judds moved here... that must be when you know it's good. I just want to get what I need and get out. I'm afraid kids like me from back then might give me more than a few headaches ;-;

Agent 8 seems to be having a lot of fun with those two recently, I hear they're going on world tour soon too.
I know they've had a lot planned, I'll be happy to watch from the sidelines.

I think often about back then, especially now that I'm back here in my old home. I really grew up at an interesting time,
with interesting people. I'm lucky to be where I am, despite how I feel about my job...

But now, everything's about to pick up. I've got more responsibility than I ever could have imagined but... it doesn't really feel like it.
Guess we'll just have to see how this year goes.

09/09/2022 - wont know until

I decided to get back to Splatsville earlier than I was supposed to. My classes don't start until next week but I figured since this city
is all they're talking about I should head here before I have to sit in 5 hours of traffic (it was 2).

It makes me real nervous, being back here. They've made a lot of progress on this place, especially The Lobby. I heard they even had a Splatfest
while I was gone. I didn't really care to participate in it. Not really my thing anymore.

I'm trying to settle down and prepare for school, like always. For some reason, I'm sitting here wondering what might change this time. Nothing, I say. It never does change.
It's always the same, no matter how wild the days can be. It'll all ultimately lead to where it always does. But then I feel like... I'm not so
sure. If things keep going the way they are around here, we'll have another Inkopolis Square on our hands. And if that happens, well... I don't feel so safe in my assumptions.

I just hope what waits on the other side is happy to see me.

06/12/2022 - heartbeat's beating and beating a beat beat

And so it begins. The Cap called us in yesterday because of a recent incident. Theres been an ever growing phenomenon, something to do with a fuzzy ooze. Cuttlefish decided to investigate himself... despite telling the Captain that we should ALL be there. He's apparently even dragged in a new recruit too... poor kid.

They said them and Agent 1 and 2 are heading over to help him out with whatever is going down. Me and Agent 8 are supposed to be on standby, if anything happens. But then when I thought it was done, they pulled me aside and started talking to me. The talk they ALWAYS give me. Dead serious, like they're one of my parents or something.

We got into an argument. They said they had plans for helping me 'finally mature', as if I'm not trying my best out here. I'm starting to think that they really don't know me. I ALWAYS end up brushing it off as them getting older and doing what they have to do as Captain, but this is absurd. They were on my case about 'not taking things seriously' even though I'm way further in school than they could have dreamt of.

It doesn't matter. They're off to help Cuttlefish deal with his mess, but I know they'll just tell 8 what they want out of me anyways, no matter how long they're gone for.
I'm apparently supposed to stay in the Splatlands after this, as if I was going anywhere with my classes being here. More specifically, I'm not allowed to return to Inkopolis.

I'm not excited to learn what I have waiting for me.

08/12/2022 - return of the mammalians


The Captain finally called us after days of nothing. The fuzzy ooze turned anything it touched into a false mammalian, some sort of gross contortion between an marinekind and animals of the past. This was all brought ahead by... Mr. Grizz. I could hardly believe it.

We're stuck in here listening to what we can and can't say, what we can and can't share. Let me ask you this, then. How is the entirety of Splatsville supposed to ignore a rocket ship blasting out of The Crater, huh? How're you going to make us try to hide that? They were radio silent for days, we had no idea what happened to anyone there. Apparently Deep Cut were a part of all of this too? And that poor new recruit... what a mess.

The scale of this is too big to comprehend. Mr. Grizz... seriously? I knew that job was shady... at least I quit after not TOO long...

This won't bode well. The Captain is gonna be even more heated now more than ever. And they're not even done with me yet...

26/12/2022 - warning shot

The Cap is back in Alterna, so Agent 8 is filling me in on what they want, as I assumed would happen. We're going over some threats to keep an eye out for around here. There have been all sorts of gangs and crews, and there are still a few now. A big point of interest is the CCTV crew, which I hadn't heard about until recently. They apparently appeared suddenly soon after Agent 8 started working with Off the Hook on their project. I don't know why that was important, but she made it seem like they had reason to appear then.

We have no idea when they came about specifically, because they have only appeared in Inkadia once, and it was then. They don't really seem like the kind of crew ran by a bunch of idiot kids, either. They looked like they wanted something, apparently. They've been passive ever since. but apparently their first appearance in Inkopolis Square was something that was talked about, eventually becoming more folklore than anything, showing up on the internet with dedicated threads and websites and stuff that people thought were haunted. It wasn't even a couple of years ago since that happened, and it feels like everyone already forgot about them. The only ideas I can find are people interpreting them in their own way. Nothing about them seems consistent at all.

There are other groups causing trouble for sure, but they seem like a big one for me. I wonder if I'll ever get to go further with this interest.

02/02/2023 - another soul (twisting stomach phase)

I guess I ended up learning what they wanted from me. I was hanging out in my apartment when I was called outside by Agent 8, who had some news for me. I was right I guess, The Captain was speaking through her, even if she didn't want to make it seem that way. Some of my old friends were there too. Its weird, they aren't technically members of the NSS but they're allowed to hang out like they are. They seem to be with the Cap on what they have planned for me. The probably think I'm the same asshole I was back then, don't they? We haven't spoken in years, what the hell do you know about me now?

They're aiming for Undertow Spillway. Apparently the CCTV crew has been seen searching for something there, and I'm supposed to go and deal with it. I... I don't know how they want me to handle a whole CREW exactly, it might be more of a recon thing. I don't even have access to any of my hero weapons anymore. The Cap wants me to handle something on my own again... I guess I just haven't matured enough to earn an ounce of respect. They're seriously so caught up in this that they can't see I'm responsible in other ways? I've gotta try talking to them one of these days, but they sure are damn hard to get a hold of, unless THEY want something from YOU.

I guess I've gotta do this. I mean personally? I don't really care. But if everyone here thinks I'm still just some kid who only cares about himself, they're wrong. And I'll prove it so. Agent 8 said it was cool to practice a little bit on my way, since I haven't actually battled in some time. Everything about this seems wrong, like a twisted excitement I knew, at one point anyway. I'll get to play like I did before, but for what reason? To appease people who don't even really like me anyway? Will I ever be enough to these people?

Guess time will tell.

02/02/2023 - another soul (cathartic spectator phase)

I haven't felt this hyped in a while. Is hyped the right word?

Something nuts just went down at the Spillway. It was like they said, CCTV were really there. This makes their second documented appearance ever, according to Agent 8. I wasn't sure what to do. All I had was a Slosher, and there were a bunch of them looking around the area, and I assumed I would have been the first one to arrive. Luckily enough, I didn't have to do anything at all. Someone else was there, some octoling kid. I was supposed to get here before anybody else did, but I was too late. Someone got here before me.

But then I felt strange. Initially I thought of stepping in, confronting whoever it was but... I kept watching. And when I kept watching, I felt some sort of... relief? I don't know it's... it's stupid. I just felt something. I watched the kid fight these guys that they knew nothing about, and they didn't even stop for a second. They ultimately ran away, since the CCTV were pretty overwhelming, but I can't lie when I say they put up one hell of a fight. That Splatana... there was something special there. I felt like I was rooting for them?... Maybe it was...

No. There's no way. How would I find someone like that here, out of the blue?

Someone with 'soul'...

I asked '8 why I was really here. It all felt too perfect, like something clicked. She said she was going back to Inkopolis. I wasn't. I've gotta look for that kid again, now that the CCTV saw them in full force. I have no idea what will happen next, for either of us. If they were fighting them, maybe they were bad news? Plus, apparently the Cap think they stole something from those guys. The CCTV haven't appeared in so long, so the ongoing theory is that this kid must have done something to provoke them. And since they're known to defend and protect... they must have had a reason to act this way.

Either way, I guess it's back to rolling solo.

18/09/2023 - that's just it

Finally. Something is going down.

The last few months have been rough. I was told to keep an eye on that Splatana. It made me think 'Well, am I here for the CCTV? Or them?'. It's all very confusing right now, there has to be a reason the Cap is so interested in whoever that is. But as it is, I had to keep watch over them. Whether it was to gather information or keep them safe, I really don't know. But I've been peering into a life that isn't mine to the point where it doesn't feel like I have much of a life to live at all.

I wasn't sure how to approach them, but I guess I didn't have to. The kid seems like some sort of genius. From what I've seen, they've been building contraptions and machines, and they seemingly hide it from everyone they know. One of these things was some sort of communicator. Something that picked up radio waves. I managed to figure it out, and tried sending a message through that but... I think I freaked them out more than anything. It didn't come through the way I wanted it to at all. Trying to send the kid a message through his own systems rather than just trying to talk to them face to face...God, I'm pathetic.

I figured out that they ALSO like building and deconstructing weapons. Is this why we have our eye on them? Do we seriously think they're dangerous? I guess I'll be cautious, for now...

But that's when it happened. I don't know what he was trying, but something came through my headset, which ended up being from Sturgeon Shipyard. It was similar to the interferences I heard when facing the Octoweapons, the power to override a channel with another. In the Octoweapons case, it was a funky kind of morse code, and the same applied here. I managed to get a read on it, with the help of Eight:




What? What the hell could that possibly mean? Do they... do they know I intercepted the message? It seems like they do... 'THE SIGNAL HAS BEEN RECEIVED'...
And what could 'SO-MANY' imply? Who exactly are they trying to reach out to? And how does this kid have technology similar to the Octarian army?

Maybe I'm dealing with someone stronger than I thought...
And if they really are dangerous, they do a damn good job at hiding it.

05/10/2023 - somewhere in between

Keeping watch one someone this long has made me think a lot of things, besides the obvious.

My life in Splatsville is boring, and I have nowhere else to go. I have to grow up, but I don't feel like I ever can. Cap wants me to grow up, but I don't feel like I've ever wanted to. Just that I had to do it. This kid... they don't worry about that at all, do they? They look barely older than me, back in 2017, stepping into uninked territory for the very first time. I'm supposed to want to grow and change... but I think my perception of change has been wrong all this time.

It isn't a sin to be who I am. I was always so strung up on changing 'me'. Because I was told to. I don't think a free spirit can live like that. I don't think they would live like that.

We both look like we have things to hide, but the difference is... they're still kicking it up, the way I feel like I can't anymore. And now what I really feel is just an obvious step in the way:

Freshness never dies, it just lies untempered, untouched.

Maybe things can go back to how they were. MY way.

There's only one thing left to do now.

I'm finally going to talk to them.

And not because I have to.

21/10/2023 - shooting starfish

He was back where he said he would be, Sturgeon Shipyard.

He seems like he's been doing this for a while, using that signal to try to reach someone. I'm not sure if I'm what he expected, though.
He didn't seem upset, but maybe a little disappointed. I managed to get them talking though, and I don't think they know what I was up to before.

His name is Wonder. He told me all about his time in the Splatlands and beyond, and how much fun they've been having with battles and stuff. They seemed forward, excited and passionate. It was something I haven't seen since Eight first arrived on the surface, the ability to dream.

It made me think, once he brought up his friends. Why does he hide things? I guess everyone has SOMETHING to hide, but why isn't he excited about his creations. like the signal that brought me here? Is he unhappy with them? What is it that makes him want to hide what they make? It interests me. Not many people interest me.

He kept talking about the things he enjoyed, their Splatana being one. They're cool, but I've never actually held one. There are always new weapons coming out of Ammo Knights. He told me not to speak about this, since it was something ongoing (surely writing it down here for myself doesn't make me a snitch, right?). He told me he wants to make a weapon, too. I didn't understand him, really. But I was happy, I guess. They don't seem to bring these things up to his friends. Why did he trust me so quickly?

I figured I'd poke at my curiosity, and asked about his friends. A silent swordsman was the first he brought up. Someone who seems hard to get a read on, but who he appreciates anyway. It reminded me of an old friend, wherever he is now. I haven't seen him since that day. Then he spoke of a pirate in the making who crafted as he did. A lady who yearns for a big adventure. They kept going down this endless list, but it all seemed quite exciting, so exciting that I often times forgot to say anything.

And then he mentioned her.

I... pray he does not mean who I think he means.

...We talked for a while after that but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I ended up leaving right before the sun came up. I had to ask her if she knew him, if we were really thinking of the same person.

I figured I'd let him watch the stars disappear by himself.

He said he loved the stars, too.

30/10/2023 - turning point

And so I met them, from a distance.

Those people he spoke of... and her as well. It all made me reconsider.

I never wanted to do this. It all seemed like a waste of time. Even if the kid was dangerous, me getting involved would have made things worse. That talk we had... I think it changed how I feel about all this, at least in a more solidified way. I know one thing, and one thing for sure.

I cannot pursue Wonder any longer.

I don't know how I can convince the Cap, I don't think I can, really. But I have to try. They seriously made me do this...

They seriously made me follow the new recruit's brother around without telling me?

13/11/2023 - wont stop

And so they can't take no for an answer.

Even with everything, Cap still wont let me off the job. I told them that this kid couldn't be a threat, and they still turned me down.

Instead, they met me with an ultimatum.

Find what Wonder stole, and I'll be able to return home.

What he stole? I asked already, what the fuck did he steal? I thought this was all based on assumption, do they know something I don't? Wonder has no ties to the CCTV as far as I know... there's no way they would have been motivated to steal from them. And even then, what would he have stolen? A rusty E-Liter that works worse than the 3K's from 2015? I don't buy it, and their silence makes me more suspicious. I feel like they know what's going on, and they're using me to solve it. I find it so hard to believe... Cap used to be a kid like me. What changed? That question I've asked many times, and never once will it be solved...

I have to decide now. Wonder's fate is lying on my shoulders, and the kid just learned my name a few weeks ago.

I can't be so easily swayed, I'll ask Eight to back me up...

01/12/2023 - trap

Things are desperate.

The Cap wont answer me anymore. I thought if I told them where Wonder was, maybe there'd be something. But no, I'm just here again. Watching. Stuck in a fucking ramen joint. I tried calling Eight... but no response either. I don't know if she's just busy with that project I helped out with a while ago, or if she's ignoring me too.

I don't know what to do... or at least, I don't know how this ends well.

But that's me thinking like who they want me to be

So I'll think like who I am.

I stopped caring about the Squidbeak Splatoon a long time ago.

I'm leaving Wonder the fuck alone.

And I'm going home.

22/02/2024 - nightmare

A loop of a thousand fights, the forever battle.

Climbing out of grey ink, feeling metal flesh. Where I am? What am I doing? Then, seeing a familiar face, feeling nothing but order. I battle, not for reason, but for purpose. And every time I am bested. There is me, and there is another, and another, and another. I am not alone, but I am the strongest. The forever battle lasted more than one eternity before I woke up, feeling no lasting impact from my pains of the grey world. My memory begins to rewrite, the light entering my eyes with the colors in tow.

Oh, right. I'm here.

Inkopolis Square.

24/03/2024 - a fresh return

It seems I can't even escape. He found his way here... Wonder. I suppose he's probably been here a few times, but he's here to celebrate the splatfest in the Square this time. I guess I should have expected this, this is the hottest Inkopolis Square has been in quite some time. It feels refreshing, but I suppose I should keep my distance. Things would be better if he just didn't see me again. I doubt he even knows what she does...

Standing here again is reminding me of then, when I got roped into all this. But he wont see me here. I'll let him enjoy the music. I'll enjoy it too.

01/06/2024 - inkopolis relivin'

The air feels different again.

I used to hang around here with the other two, when it was just us, and when the Cap was an agent too. It feels weird, walking these streets alone again. But now I feel like everything from here is my will. They'll find out, eventually. I know Eight will probably see me around, but she takes the time to listen to me, at least. If Cap knows, then I'll have to step it up.

But for now? Well, maybe I'll start with Turf War. A good way to ease myself back into it...

Back into the ink, Ghosty.
Back into the ink.

25/06/2024 - chains of paradise

I didn't make it.

The Captain knew were I was. I guess it wasn't too hard to figure out... but something was different. They seemed... sorry? Like they were oddly caring with how they spoke to me. They uh... let me in on the real situation. They were talking about Wonder like he was a crazy threat... a bioweapon.

We don't know what it means for sure, but Agent 3 think the kid has been infused with desire itself, whatever that could mean. I personally dont see how that could be a bad thing unless what he wanted was... the wrong thing. But I don't think he's like that. When I asked him about what he would do during his final day, his answer was selfish. But when that question ACTUALLY arose in a Splatfest of all places... the kid changed his mind. I have one thing the rest of the NSS don't have: belief.

I felt it back then. Like two Souls connecting through smog and darkness. Wonder Allecate isn't bad, he's just in the dark like me. I told Eight about the radio system Wonder used to contact me. She's trying to find a way to reach him for me. I will be alone. And I'm going to talk to him. No threats, no weapons, just a deal to be made.

Wonder has things to know, and I can provide them. And I'm sure he has some weapons or machines that will help us...
...Help us eliminate the CCTV, of course.

13/07/2024 - to be wonder allecate

We've done it.

The radio system has been created, and all we need is a time and place. If Wonder is still hanging around the shipyard, it would make things a lot easier.
Its been nice... working with Eight again properly. She seemed pretty distant before with how much was going on. I'm still pretty pissed off with her and the Cap not telling me stuff I needed to know, though. I will say... less tension is nice.

She said she was going to Marina with the Wonder case. She wanted to ask about his... anomaly. Agent 3 is even going along too to explain the situation. Of all people around to have any kind of clue as to what being infused with that stuff means, it would probably be her.
If I can get talking to the kid... maybe Marina could even fix up the weapon he said he had cooking.
His work never seemed very cutting edge, despite them having a pretty substantial vision.

And also the Nexus thing.
I dont know too much myself, but she seems pretty important with how everyone is talking about her.
Eight wants to ask Marina about her too, see if she knows anything. She's the reason Wonder is like this in the first place, and he doesn't even know.

I cant imagine his life right now... Wonder, I promise you'll know everything soon.
The truth is what we both need right now.

The Cap wants me on Wonder again, but I can't help but want to look into the CCTV more.
They've kinda slipped the radar because of how much has been happening. I guess I'll try to take this as seriously as I can. Since Wonder is directly involved I...

I really cant let them fuck this up.

18/08/2024 - the truth behind the lens?

This timing cant get any worse.

The Grand Festival, seriously? I knew it was coming just... not this fast. Everything is prepared for Wonder. I just need the time and place but with everything ahead I dont know. I just dont know.

Something big has come up about the CCTV. Eight has been looking into them with Marina, and although they havent found much they got something. Me and Eight did some digging (I forget that I'm part of the security of this place sometimes) and there were strange readings from within the Memverse. Three to be exact, all at the times of the CCTV's arrivals in Inkadia. Eight's theory is that they were using those Portals inside the Spire of Order. They normally show how many Jelletons spawn for normal usage, but the readings here were different. It was saying Inkfish were coming in and out of them. The first time matched with the date Eight said they appeared, and the other two... one of them was that day in Undertow but the other one seems random to me? Only two of them appeared that day, and only one returned. For what reason?

All of this would imply a lot of things. It could mean...

It could mean the CCTV never really existed at all. Well, not physically at least.
If they found a way to break out of the Memverse itself... what does that make them?
But I saw them that day, when Wonder attacked them. They fell like normal Inkfish. It all looked real, so...
Its all so confusing. I've been thinking hard on it for weeks.
I plan to search more into the Memverse. Maybe like, do my job a little.
If the key to the CCTV lies there, then I will pluck it out no matter how long it takes.

Hah, its funny to me. I feel so much more determined now. Maybe its the spirit of another big Splatfest ahead of me. Maybe that's when I'll talk to Wonder... during the big day.

...Man I hope I'm not on the losing team again.

19/08/2024 - Memverse Research Project #1

Back again. Thought I'd try to organise this a little better.

I've been getting deeper into the Memverse thing, and you know... maybe I should have seen the CCTV's connection here a little sooner. I mean, their first appearance was right after that weird Octoling engineer randomly disappeared from the early stages of the Memverse project, right? Whoever that was, they must be the one responsible for whatever the CCTV is. But how would they have figured out that technology so quickly? Was it pure luck or are they the smartest fucking Inkfish in the world? I've asked Eight to get in touch with Marina about it. I'd love to do it myself but... I dunno if its the kid in me still but I don't think I can talk to her one to one. Not that she's intense or anything, I just... wouldn't know what to say, I guess. She's pretty important and all.

If we can find out who that Octoling is, we have a better shot of understanding the CCTV as a whole. As far as I know. the CCTV seem to be quite similar to the Parallel Canon guys... as weird as it feels for me to talk about that. Appearing from nowhere? Seems like them. And they also seem pretty robotic... their headgear has to be designed to make them do... something? Was attacking Wonder important to their plan at all? Or was it just because he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? Beats me, for now. But its still so intriguing. The Memverse is designed to restore the memories of people who suffered to sanitization, although my knowledge on that is admittedly pretty lacking. But from what I can remember, those CCTV guys felt more like sanatized Octolings than anything. Limp, lifeless, but still moving. Its a lot for now. I'll sit on it for a bit... I'm getting pretty overwhelmed with all of this business.

20/08/2024 - another soul and then some

Something weird is happening.

I'm back in charge of watching over Wonder. When I landed in Splatsville, I didn't expect anything different from before but... Wonder left Splatsville. And not to go to Inkopolis... he's going back towards Octo Canyon. Why? Why would he be going that way? If there was a takeaway from what Clove said, I can't let Wonder remember... not yet, at least. God, this feels so bullshit! I wanted him to know the truth but now I have to hide it. Seriously, why is he going that way?

I'm going to find out.

UPDATE: I'm at the site.

Looks like a rundown... something or other. Its on the edge of the Canyon, overlooking the GTW Craters. He wasn't alone, they brought someone else too, but I couldn't get a good look at them before they left. They were in here for quite some time, making a lot of noise doing whatever they were doing. I'm stepping inside.

Interior is ruined, moss and dirt and shit basically everywhere. I'd have no way to see down the stairway without my phone. The way down is a long one, and each one of these metal steps feel like they're gonna cave under my weight. After finally making it to the bottom, I was greeted by tossed shelves and desks, papers scraped off walls and thrown on the floor, and for some reason, a clean desk with a computer set up, plugged in. Why does this place still have power running through it? Was the mess Wonder's? Or was this setup his? There's a lot to unpack here...

- Shelves stocked with nothing but empty folders, most scattered across the floor. Most of the shelves are too.
- The papers seem to resemble blueprints, whoever was here made machines (Could Wonder have come here to steal from them?. The writing seems to be Octarian, the connection is there.)
- Most technology here is busted. The only stuff that works is the setup I suspected to be Wonder's. Everything here seems decades old.
- Inside the PC was a weird looking tape, with the tag "WTCMA01022003" slapped on its front. Can't figure out what it means, confiscating the tape.

Theres clearly more to see. I moved some shelves around and found a hidden corner. There was some sort of latch trapped under a bunch of trash and slabs. It doesn't look like Wonder and whoever it was were able to find this... leaving this for now


This is a CCTV site. I'm convinced of it. Behind an iron door marked with a sign reading 'THE MAW', was something that I didn't know could happen... it was a replica of a Portal, as in, a Portal from the Spire of Order. It looked like it was constructed out of normal materials, I can still see tape holding the thing together. There seemed to be a pad connecting to the thing, activating it via handprint. Everything in the room seemed to be blackened, darker. Was it just my mind? Or is this truly it? This has to confirm our theory... the CCTV must be connected to the Memverse directly. And this portal... is this how they arrive into reality? But for them to arrive in Inkopolis AND Splatsville... are there MULTIPLE of these? This means everything... I took pictures of everything in here. I plan on returning to the team with this, but theres something else I had to see.

It took me a while to move everything, but the latch is cleared. Stepping inside, its just more stairs leading down. But looking back up, the underside of the latch door had writing, large letters carved into the rotting wood.


My steps are echoing down here. I admit, this is making me pretty excited. Finally something that isn't just the same.
I'm at the bottom. There are lines of shelves in the dark, and my light doesn't reach the end of the room.
The shelves down here are stocked, not with much, but with something.
I reach out to grab from the shelf.

Another tape.
Another code.
And there must have been hundreds more.

I have to leave now, this place is bigger than me at this point.
I have to tell everyone about this... what the hell could it all mean?
I'm going to leave this place back how it was, in case Wonder is back any time soon...
Why the hell would he be searching here?
They must truly be connected...
And his business with the CCTV... why doe

UPDATE: Someone is here.

13/09/2024 - not then, now

I can't shake it, that feeling. I am being watched. Ever since I escaped that place, I've felt it. Maybe I'm their target now... and I can't verify if its in truth or if I'm just terrified. I told the NSS about everything. About The Maw, that Portal, everything. I went there myself because I didn't want things to escalate yet... not now. But there's nothing I can do now. I am afraid, and we have to stop this. And despite it all, here I'm sat with Murch at this set up. It isn't what I expected, but it works. Large crowds, not many places to hide at. And everyone in the NSS is going to be there. We're in the middle of the Splatlands... how would they get out here without someone seeing? Then again, would an ordinary inkfish even question them? Fashion has gotten a lot wilder these days. I'm not just here for the Grand Festival though, even though its really nice. I... I thought about it. That radio system we made. We HAVE to use it now. Wonder needs to know everything, and he needs to tell us everything, too. He has business with the CCTV, and we do too. He's in danger, and so am I. This is the time to come together, finally. Marina is obviously occupied so I have to do what I can. Now. I just have to find him...