Agent 4's Log NSS Chat Logs Return to WonderWorld

New Squidbeak Splatoon Chat Logs

documenting everything here. whats coming is important.

Chat Log 1 - Begin

Agent 8: so then what happened?

Agent 4: Some kid showed up with a shoddy looking camera and asked if he was allowed in. It was super odd, but they were so enthusiastic too. They must have been a good four or five years younger than me then, probably barely fit for high school.

Agent 8: LMAO?? and what did your prof say??

Agent 4: Nothing. Poor kid got laughed out of the room. I think they should be allowed in for their bravery alone, honestly. Splatsville really is the place of chaos, theres never been a fully boring day in those three years. I'm gonna be a little sad when it ends after this one though. Not really sure what I'll do with myself.

Agent 8: well, you'll have some crazy good film making skills, right? maybe you could make a movie about something

Agent 4: A movie? I don't think I could

The Captain has joined the chat.

Captain: important business. cuttlefish has his eye on the crater in the splatlands. getting involved with a recent phenomenon thats been going down there. we'll be off tomorrow. i expect you'll both be there too. there are additional duties i'll speak to you about then.

Captain: also. i expect you'll keep this chat for formal uses only. no personal talk. you have each others numbers for that.

Agent 8: you got it!

Captain: 4, are you reading?

Agent 4: Aye aye, Cap.

Captain: good.

The Captain has left the chat.

Agent 4: How is it that you're so close with them?

Agent 8: huh? howdya mean?

Agent 4: They love being a painful reminder, to me.

Chat Log 2 - Care

Agent 4 has joined the chat.

Agent 4: Hello?

Agent 8: hey four! whats up

Agent 4: Sorry I hate that you cant just say my actual name

Agent 4: Anyways, what about Cap?

Agent 4: They told us to be on standby, but I haven't heard any updates or anything. I was wondering if you knew.

Agent 8: nothin yet. they seem pretty busy, its a big situation down there you know

Agent 8: we have to be careful too, dont want any of the bandits around here spreading rumors

Agent 4: The NSS is investigating a big hole in the ground

Agent 4: That just happened to collapse

Agent 4: And also DJ Octavio was there

Agent 4: I don't think rumors are what we should be worried about, because they're already spreading.

Agent 4: I'll keep checking back here every now and then, I wanna know whats happening.

Agent 8: kk

Agent 4: Also were you just like... in here?

Agent 8: yeah LOL i kinda have to be

Agent 8: they are trusting me to tell you stuff and make sure nothing is in here that shouldnt be so i just have it up on another tab

Agent 8: you're knowing how it is :)

Agent 4: Damn... glad that isn't me doing that.

Agent 4: I feel kinda left out though, they didn't ask ME to do anything...

Agent 8: dont you complain any time you have to do something?

Agent 4: Shut.

Agent 4: I sort of just assumed I was the only one again, referring to what I was asking before

Agent 4: They like not telling me things, especially important things. Kinda good to knew we're both out of the loop more or less.

Agent 4: I always feel like they dont trust me with big things for some reason.

Agent 8: i dont think thats very true

Agent 8: they trust both of us

Agent 4: And how can you be so sure?

Agent 8: i hear them talking about stuff when we're not at work

Agent 4: You see there it is. I dont even hear them speak anymore

Agent 4: There has to be some kind of selective treatment here

Agent 8: i dont really get what you mean

Agent 8: we've talked a good bit and i dont think they have anything against you

Agent 8: if anything they just seem concerned with how everything has been with you

Agent 8: if you REALLY want to know, go bring it to them

Agent 8: but trust me four, they really care about you

Agent 4 has left the chat.

Chat Log 3 - Double Take

Agent 4: And so you want what?

Captain: your cooperation

Captain: theres a lot happening but you need to listen

Captain: i know whats best for you. you need time

Captain: time to reflect on yourself.

Captain: you'll be staying in splatsville, no trips home.

Agent 4: Damn. Thats fucked.

Agent 4: You're lucky I don't have family to go home to or else I'd have reason to complain.

Captain: you have taken nothing in of this place

Captain: i want you to actually live for a minute

Agent 4: LIVE? You're such a joke

Agent 4: Your head is far enough up your own ass to the point where I know you've forgotten all about what it means to live.

Captain: keep this professional, gee.

Agent 4: 'Professional'

Agent 4: Weren't you the one who tried dogging on Marina in that Deep Sea Metro show?

Agent 4: Telling ME to keep it professional

Agent 4: The DJ Sango I know would eat you alive.

Captain: this is what i mean

Captain: there is a time and a place for everything. dj sango isnt captain, i am.

Captain: and the captain isnt sango, either. i know when to act and where to act

Captain: you're the one who always has to be a child

Captain: this is why i cant understand

Captain: you want my respect? get it then, and get it good.

Captain: get it by learning what it means to live.

Agent 4: ...

Agent 4: Do you live for nothing?

Agent 4: You're telling me you're just... fake? Too afraid to be yourself?

Agent 4: I don't take it from people with fractured souls, people who are too afraid to be who they really are

Captain: you arent listening, gee.

Agent 4: I dont have my shit together either, but I know one thing.

Agent 4: You dont get to tell me how to live.

Agent 4 has left the chat.
Agent 4 has joined the chat.

Agent 4: Also, your rule sucks. Fuck you.

Agent 4 has left the chat.

Chat Log 33.3 - Return of The Mammalians

Agent 4: In fucking space...

Captain: language, gee.

Agent 4: Are you my mom?

Agent 1: Yeah! I can't imagine how it would have felt.

Agent 1: I'm sort of jealous, honestly! The whole thing sounded amazing!

Agent 2: I don't want to think about what you'd get up to in space...

Agent 8: this is all so much...

Agent 8: and is this new agent 3 okay? after... everything?

Agent 2: I couldn't tell you. They went through a whole lot.

Agent 2: Isn't that right, Captain?

Captain: yea

Captain: anyways im gonna go

Captain: dealing with this

The Captain has left the chat.

Agent 1: BYE OLD THREE!!! :D

Agent 1: Oh, they already left. Maybe I should stop calling them old...

Agent 4: Mr Grizz, huh?

Agent 4: He was a mammalian bear who wanted to bring back everything he knew.

Agent 4: That sound about right?

Agent 8: sounds about right yeah

Agent 8: it all seems scarily similar to that day when i reached the surface

Agent 4: The same day I had to take a certain someone back home by force

Agent 1: HEY!!

Agent 8: LOL

Agent 1: I'll have you know the Octarian army gets a bad rap!

Agent 4: Okay but seriously though

Agent 4: Is this not all absurd to you?

Agent 4: You seem pretty calm considering... well, everything.

Agent 2: Sending a new recruit to space takes some time to set in.

Agent 2: And then there was everything else. O.R.C.A, Alterna as a whole...

Agent 8: we should get new 3 in here, see what they have to say

CraigCuttlefish has joined the chat.

Agent 8: i'm sure they have a lot on their mind

Agent 8: wait what



Chat Log 4 - Rules

Agent 8: im caught up in a lot of stuff with pearl and marina so hanging around splatsville isnt really great

Agent 8: im seeing if the captain will let me off since the alterna stuff is calming down (for the most part)

Agent 4: So I'd be stuck here? Can you bring me with you...

Agent 8: nice try, but i cant. you probably wont be needed back for the project anytime soon, if ever. marina might have a way to replicate you, so to speak

Agent 4: Man.

Agent 4: I mean, maybe it wont be that bad.

Agent 4: I'm getting kinda invested in one of these crews or whatever. The CCTV one.

Agent 8: ah damn

Agent 8: sorry i will be leaving you with that stuff to deal with if im actually allowed to go

Agent 4: Its cool

Agent 4: Its hard as hell to find anything on these guys so the hunt is fun enough for me.

Agent 8: right also. captain said they'll be in alterna for a while. i'll be telling you what they want, ok?

Agent 4: Sweet. I cant even catch a break...

Chat Log 5 - Grounded

Captain: i didn't make this just for you to argue at me

Captain: my word is final, i think your recent behaviour means you cant be trusted like you were before

Agent 4: You talk about me like I'm a hazard.

Agent 4: I'm your FRIEND, CAP. Why are you forgetting that?

Agent 4: You KNOW me outside of this. Or well, knew, I suppose.

Captain: thats the thing. you dont know when you need to take things seriously, the difference between work and play.

Captain: you think you know everything, but you've seen nothing

Captain: i was the same not too long ago, like you.

Captain: but i changed

Captain: and i want you to change too, i want you to have a better future

Captain: rather than being stuck in transience, between yourself then and now

Agent 4: You know what?

Agent 4: I don't like saying this, but you're not too wrong.

Agent 4: I often do feel like I'm stuck between two places, not really sure of who I am

Agent 4: But that's because of YOU.

Agent 4: You changed. And now everything around me is changing too, and for the worse.

Captain: we both know that i'm not the reason for all your struggles

Captain: you have to let go of the past. what happened has happened, and we move.

Agent 4: But we can't just take a damn minute to think about it?

Agent 4: Sometimes I feel like you ignore the past with how much you uphold that shitty Captain status of yours.

Agent 4: I want the life we all enjoyed, the life YOU enjoyed.

Agent 4: You want it too, right?

Captain: time cannot be stopped, gee.

Chat Log 6 - Camera

Agent 4: And you think they have something to do with this project of Marinas?

Agent 8: i don't think it, i know it.

Agent 8: but her project isn't supposed to exist in reality, so to say.

Agent 8: their appearance was brief, but it doesn't make anything less dangerous.

Agent 8: then of all times...

Agent 4: Why do you think it was so important?

Agent 4: Do you think Marina did it?

Agent 8: no chance. this was her design cranked up by 10. some other mind had to have taken her concept and...

Agent 8: maybe i shouldn't discuss it here. it isn't close to being finished yet.

Agent 8: if you don't mind, keep looking into these guys for me, okay?

Agent 8: there's some stuff online about them. maaaaybe use a vpn though. those websites do not appear very friendly

Agent 4: I'm willing to brick my laptop for this one, I'm dying of boredom here.

Agent 8: thanks four, i appreciate your help on this

Agent 8: but.. don't brick your laptop.

Agent 8: oh, also

Agent 8: i was reading up on what you and the captain were saying to each other..

Agent 8: is everything okay with you?

Agent 4: Yeah.

Agent 4: Everything is perfect.

Chat Log 7 - Ninja Squid

Agent 4: What? Do you know how late it is?

Agent 8: we're outside. something came up.

Agent 4: Something... came up?

Agent 4: And who's 'we' here?

Agent 8: your old friends

Agent 4: ?

Agent 4: You mean...

Agent 4: Fuck off.

Agent 8: you wanted something to do. didn't you?

Agent 8: you were tired of the captain not thinking you were important enough, weren't you?

Agent 8: come here so i can give you the mission

Agent 4: You're acting... strange.

Agent 4: Is there something I should know about?

Agent 8: come here so i can give you the mission.

Chat Log 8 - Undertow

Agent 4: He's already gone.

Agent 4: He's already gone, but...

Agent 4: They're still watching, waiting...

Agent 4: Why are the CCTV crew here?

Agent 4: And how did they get here before me?

Agent 4: Were they the reason you sent me here?

Agent 4: Or was it... that Splatana...

Agent 4: Who was he?

Agent 8: that person

Agent 8: that was just some kid

Agent 4: 'Some kid', huh?

Agent 4: Well they seemed like a bigger deal than just some kid to me.

Agent 4: The CCTV saw him!

Agent 4: Who knows what that could mean for him... for us.

Agent 8: me and the captain will discuss it

Agent 8: i'm going home

Agent 4: You're going back to Inkopolis? Already?

Agent 4: We just got here! How am I supposed to get back?

Agent 8: your duty lies here now, four

Agent 8: and the captain's order still stands for you

Agent 4: Right.

Agent 4: I guess I'm not supposed to come back.

Agent 4: Not yet, anyways...

Agent 4: I... wanted to ask something about the situation.

Agent 4: That guy... he was pretty strong

Agent 4: Even when they were cornered, they didn't back down to them.

Agent 4: What exactly...

Agent 4: What exactly did they steal?

Agent 8: something that could put us all in serious, serious danger.

Chat Log 9 - Remember

Agent 4: I'm telling you, there's nothing.

Agent 4: I've been following this kid for months, and they're doing jack shit!

Agent 4: This is a waste of time, isn't CCTV a bigger deal?

Agent 8: we told you, the plan changed

Agent 4: God DAMNIT Eight why are you being so cryptic?

Agent 4: Who the fuck. Is. This kid?

Agent 8: he has involvement with dangerous transactions in the crater.

Agent 8: weapon parts come back and forth, they seem to be there to either give or take, we aren't quite sure.

Agent 4: You think he's making a weapon? That's why I'm after this guy?

Agent 4: Stop treating me like an idiot.

Agent 4: I'll tell you what I find after babysitting from 100ft away.

Agent 4 has left the chat.

The Captain has joined the chat.

Agent 8: he's going to know soon enough

Captain: i know

Captain: i need you to look into him more, see what you can get.

Captain: we need to be sure this is the guy we think it is

Agent 8: the guy you think it is? what the fuck does that mean?

Agent 8: you're telling me you don't even know yet?

Captain: you have to hide things from gee for a reason.

Captain: i'm sorry it has to be this way its just

Captain: if agent 3s hesitance is enough to go by...

Captain: her brother has something to hide...

Captain: and i can't shake the feeling that i've seen that face before.

Chat Log 10 - New Perspective

Agent 8: so tell me

Agent 8: what exactly is it that you want from him?

Agent 8: besides their activity in the crater

Agent 8: which we both know isnt what you care about

Captain: when gee arrived in undertow, the cctv were the priority

Captain: and trust me they still are. i want you and marina to feel safe going forward with your work

Captain: but when he reported him

Captain: wonder allecate...

Captain: that name was familiar, allecate...

Captain: there were few engineers in that civision as far as i can remember

Captain: but according to your findings, he was the ONLY one.

Captain: and knowing the danger of untamed talent, i thought about what could be made

Captain: and facing the cctv? who knows what the scope of their dreams are

Captain: and what kind of weapons can be made...

Captain: keep investigating anything you can find on the allecate family

Captain: i'm sorry i have to be this way. i can't tell you everything yet

Captain: if i do, a new perspective is born.

Captain: and not just for you.

Chat Log 11 - The Plan

Captain: i know you will have your opinions about me

Captain: but please believe now that im trying to help you. i want to tell you whats right.

Agent 4: I'm all ears. This is what I've been waiting a good year for so...

Agent 8: four, they didn't tell you...

Agent 8: because they didn't want to upset you

Agent 8: now that we're being open? i dont think he's a bad kid either

Agent 8: just misguided, and alone

Agent 8: with what we know about nexus, and with the unfortunate timing of cap's arrival during her experiment...

Agent 8: chances are wonder could still believe that we want to hurt him.

Agent 4: So you're saying that following them around isn't already hurting them>

Agent 4: Making me document everything they do while we wait around just because we don't want to hurt little Jelsha's feelings?

Agent 4: Even when I thought it couldn't get worse... I was happy with you letting me actually do something

Agent 4: You trusted me, even if the job was dumb as shit.

Captain: gee, you can get as mad as you want at me later, but let me lay down what we know now.

Captain: we couldnt tell you about wonder because he is uncontrollable

Captain: wonder is a bioweapon, his very body being changed by someone known as nexus supernova

Agent 3 has joined the chat.

Captain: nexus died right in front of me, but i was too late to stop whatever was happening.

Captain: wonder is partially infused with the liquid crystals from the displays in alterna.

Agent 8: oh, you joined at a good time three!

Agent 8: we're giving four the rundown on wonder...

Captain: three, i know you havent wanted to dicuss what you saw in alterna

Captain: your experiences there were a lot, and you can discuss them with us any time

Captain: but for now, i have to ask you to explain the alterna displays for gee

Captain: i apologise if it is difficult

Agent 3: You dont need to treat me like a kid, I'll be fine

Agent 3: Alright, from the Alterna logs:

"These new crystals could change color in response to faint and fleeting electrical signals emitted by living organisms."

"To put that in more human terms...these crystals could read minds."

Agent 3: This material was broken down and injected into Wonder

Agent 3: I dont know anything about it but...

Agent 3: It wouldnt be too big of a guess to say Wonder was infused with thoughts, ideas... pure desires

Agent 3: Whether the crystals still contained the thoughts of the humans or himself I can't really say

Agent 3: But Wonder has been growing stronger to the point where it scares me.

Agent 3: I remember when he was just a kid, when making his machines was all he could do

Agent 3: But in combat... something changed.

Agent 4: So you all...

Agent 4: You thought telling me THIS was less important than my fucking feelings?

Agent 3: Hey I had no part in this man

Agent 8: it was my idea, four.

Agent 4: ?

Agent 8: the captain... they were pretty insistent on telling you sooner

Agent 8: but when i realised you were getting closer with wonder, i held it.

Agent 8: because if you can get close to him... theres one thing we have that we can rely on, at least

Agent 8: his trust.

Agent 8: wonder is still an inkfish, they still feel things.

Agent 8: four, you must have spoken with wonder directly, yes?

Agent 8: you must have been convinced to stop following him somehow

Agent 4: That was my own decision.

Agent 4: And yes... one time, almost a year ago now.

Agent 4: And a few times since them, but it was pretty infrequent. I felt bad for the guy... he didn't deserve being lied to.

Agent 8: i appreciate that.

Agent 8: but thats very important that we have that connection

Agent 4: Eight, you're good with tech stuff right?

Agent 8: uh, yeah? why?

Agent 4: The way I contacted him... it was through a radio system.

Agent 4: It uses a similar kind of tech as the ones that controlled the Octoweapons me and Cap dealt with.

Agent 4: I left Wonder behind because I didn't want to hurt him but...

Agent 4: If we get this working... I can talk to him one more time.

Agent 4: About everything.

Chat Log 12 - Singularity

Agent 4: He referred to you when we met a while back.

Agent 4: It was actually how I put the pieces together at first, that you were his sister.

Agent 4: And with everything I've learned about you over the last while it feels like... I dunno, heavy?

Agent 4: Look, I know you dont have much interest in the NSS. Trust me, I'm not sure if I do either.

Agent 4: But you sure as hell have a lot more reason than me to hate what we do... or, did?

Agent 4: I wanted to ask about Wonder, his condition.

Agent 4: I know its been scary for you. You had to protect him and now we're putting that at risk.

Agent 4: But if you didn't want this... and after everything the logs said you've been through...

Agent 4: Why did you join the NSS?

Agent 3: Nexus Supernova told me a lot of things in my time under her.

Agent 3: But did you know that I only listened to one of those things?

Agent 3: Yeah, shocker. She was a total brainiac but barely said anything actually worthwhile.

Agent 3: You want me to keep going?

Agent 3: Why would YOU care if I kept going?

Agent 3: I straight up barely know you dude, and from what I've seen you throw a good tantrum when you don't have some sort of control.

Agent 3: Why did you TALK to my brother?

Agent 3: Your mission was to spy on him, right? Not chat him up like you're a friend?

Agent 4: Ouch...

Agent 4: Well! I actually saw the guy as a person, believe it or not.

Agent 4: Saw a bit of myself in him too and, well... a lot of other feelings.

Agent 4: Our circumstances are a LOT different but... we're together now, right?

Agent 4: I'm sorry I got in your brothers business, it was pretty reckless of me but he doesn't know we know each other.

Agent 4: I don't want to use Wonder for anything. I just want him to know the truth.

Agent 4: When I sat down with him that night I had to pretend like I didn't see it. The things he tells nobody else.

Agent 4: The scared kid he tries to hide in himself.

Agent 3: You're not making any sense.

Agent 4: The CCTV ATTACKED him. February 2nd 2023, have you not been reading up on this?

Agent 4: Your brother is at the forefront of SOMETHING with the CCTV.

Agent 3: You're being serious? Him?

Agent 3: He hasn't said a word to me...

Agent 4: And it looks like you aren't great with telling him secrets either.

Agent 4: Started as an Elite trainee turned Agent of the opposing force.

Agent 4: Its interesting but... why dont you tell him?

Agent 4: I'm thinking you're both more in common than you want to believe.

Agent 3: Hah! You think its simple, huh?

Agent 3: I cant just sit my brother down under the stars and tell him I'm what we were born to hate.

Agent 3: Its not that easy, anymore.

Agent 4: I can hardly blame you.

Agent 4: You've been raising him all your life, huh?

Agent 4: I've never heard talk of your parents, and since you ran away with him alone it uh. It must have been hard.

Agent 4: I feel like everyone around here is a lost kid, forced to grow up faster than they were ever ready for.

Agent 4: I feel it myself. A lot.

Agent 3: ...

Agent 3: You know, Nexus, she talked a lot about family. About protecting one another.

Agent 3: Another thing she talked about was the complete annihilation of the Inklings.

Agent 3: Back then, well, we had nothing else to do but believe.

Agent 3: As long as there was someone else to blame but us for our shitty lives, it made things easier, right?

Agent 3: Yeah I uh, found out she liked to lie a lot. Liked to bend information to get what she wanted.

Agent 3: Told me she was giving Wonder an opportunity... give me a break.

Agent 3: I still keep myself up at night wondering why I let it happen.

Agent 3: I had no power then, and I always blamed it on that but... hey, maybe thats just me blaming something but myself.

Agent 3: Anyways. The one thing that stuck by me from her was, well...

Agent 3: "The person you're born as never leaves."

Agent 3: I don't remember the context, the day, the time, but that EXACT wording. I can still hear her saying it.

Agent 3: I tried to forget about everything she taught me after I saw how much promise the surface had.

Agent 3: But every night, if we were under a crumbling roof or the moving trees just trying to survive...

Agent 3: I could always turn to Wonder and look at his eyes.

Agent 3: I would see the eyes that felt pain and morphing from the day she put that shit in him.

Agent 3: But what I could also see, were the eyes that were born to see the stars.

Agent 3: We change, but we're all the same.

Agent 3: Just some scared little kids.

Agent 3: ...

Agent 3: If Wonder found out what I was doing...

Agent 3: I'm scared the person Nexus put in him would come out instead.

Agent 3: And he would remember the hate, and the pain, and the nightmares.

Agent 3: The siblings that kept him up, making him think they were going to kill him for fun.

Agent 3: The rumbling sounds of heavy machines that he drowned out with his own little songs.

Agent 3: I cant risk it. Not again.

Agent 3: I want it to heal, slowly... He will know someday. But that day is long, long in the future when we figure everything out.

Agent 3: ...

Agent 3: I trust you, I think.

Agent 3: If you wanted to do bad to Wonder you would have done it already.

Agent 4: Thank you, for all of this.

Agent 4: I'm sorry if all of this has been a lot to ask for, but I have something else too.

Agent 3: Shoot.

Agent 4: If Wonder really did remember everything... and he realised he had those crystals in his blood...

Agent 4: What do you think would happen?

Agent 4: Would he really be dangerous like they think?

Agent 3: ...

Agent 3: No, probably not dangerous.

Agent 3: Something worse.

Agent 3: He would lose hope.

Investigation 1 (Ranking)

Agent 8: i'm looking into whatever i can find from the octarian army from their time.
Agent 8: agent 3 is helping me... reluctantly
Agent 8: whenever i get hold of anything important, i'll send it here!
Agent 8: for now, all i have is this:

'Class 1 - The Allecate Division'

Goliath is sure to change things in our favor.
But enough of those animals.
What of the youngest?
Many contributions?

Clove Allecate... this one is a rising prodigy.
Probably strong enough to handle [N] at this point, even without a sword.
She's been training night and day, and has something to prove it seems.
She's been consistently outperforming most Octoleet trainees.

Overall, very well achieved. She will be a fine asset, and will surely keep the Allecate name as one to be feared.

An entire family of fighters.

Well... not quite.
I regret to inform you, but the youngest does not carry that title well.

There's another?

Wonder Allecate, ma'am.

Oh, The Dreamer. Of course.
What has he done now?

Well, he's been falling behind in class, despite showing capability.
His lack of interest and care is of somewhat concern.
And when he does care, it's always to challenge [N] to a fight.
However, he's been working towards contributions for machinery.

Like what?

Well, he's suggested an updated model for the Squee-G.

Forget I asked.
Don't report anything about him to me again.
It was a mistake letting that child slip in undetected.
It is a mistake we unfortunately can never take back...

Well, maybe not never.
Let us see what she thinks.

Investigation 2 (Plan)

Agent 8: this stuff is harder to get than i thought...

Agent 8: while four investigates them himself, this is the best i can do

Agent 8: these might be slow thanks to the project, but i'll get what i can

Agent 8: i'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy looking back at stuff like this

Agent 8: it feels familiar, in a way

'Class 1 - The Allecate Division'

This might be worth discussion.

What? About the boy?

I brought our issues to [N].

He will be removed, wont he?

She has taken... direct interest in him.

You're serious?

I don't know for how long but...
Apparently he's here for a reason.
She asked Clove Allecate to join the rest of her family despite being a trainee...
Because she knew he would follow her, despite his own blatant feelings towards our cause.

You're serious...
Pulling a trick like that for someone like him...
This is highly peculiar.
He isn't a soldier, he never will be.
He is a mechanic that works on waste.
What meaning could he serve to the army?

Before he became our problem he was apparently offered the opportunity to make improvements to the Octoweapons.

He is a child.
Why would they let him onto such a task?

Well, that plan was suspended when he chased after his sister unauthorised.
He isn't qualified for anything, can't wield a weapon, and most of his creations blow up in his face.
But [N] sorted things out for him. Allowed him to work on the Octoweapons from here.
Not as direct of an involvement, but he will have his say, I suppose.

And why is she so faithful in him?
Did his constant challenges soften her heart?
Or maybe she likes making a display of his weakness to his entire family?

She plans to discuss things with him soon enough.
I'll update you then.
For now, we should continue to monitor Clove Allecate.
She is also new here.
We don't know if she comes into this, or what she knows.
Or how she feels about [N]'s new proposition.

I suppose we should.
How awfully infuriating...

Investigation 3 (Nexus)

Agent 8: this one... is strange. i'll let you read first, cap:

'Voice Log Recording - MT, EL & NS'

Thank you for allowing me, Nexus.
You should know why we're concerned.
I wanted to ask you directly.

Esa has described your concerns to me already.
I will allow you to speak freely, what is it about this situation you dislike?
You can be as honest as you desire.

Well, I'm sure you know we view the Engineering students with a less than stellar view.
A view that I thought you too shared?
Wonder Allecate... he is far too young for anything.
And as a member of the Supernova family, your endorsement means a lot.
It reflects on not only the Allecates, but the entire Octarian army.
You haven't done something like this before, so I wanted to ask...
Why him?

You refer to his sisters with high regard, but follow me with this.
Lighten would tear apart her own people in adrenaline fueled fury.
Finx fought for love only to be broken by her false pretences.
Goliath became so obsessed with size and strength she fused with a machine.
Need I list the others as well?
Clove and Wonder, they are both... different.
From the same mother of course, but a different life was lived.
Far from the bickerings of their older siblings.
I am here to guide them, both of them.
Clove is strong in her own right, and some say she could even stand to me.
I am cautious of her, as is everyone.
But I am not afraid to spark the flame of potential into a whirlwind.
Wonder... he is the first to be born a boy.
He knows he is restricted, more or less.
That frustration... I intend to work with it.
We have disregarded all types of potential for too long, haven't we Mallek?
Our army doesn't just live on muscle and numbers.
The machinists drive us forward too.
And some are even talented enough to be both an asset in strength and mind. Dare, Sharron, Ida, all thriving respectfully.
Our leader is great, but what is he without his machines?
A scarred old man.

How could you say something like-

Wonder has not the bad habits of his siblings.
I intend to work with that.
Do not speak for me, and do not assume what I am thinking.
Are we understood?
...You ARE recording this, aren't you, Esa?

Do you wish for me to remove the comment on Leader Octavio?

Also, thank you for supplying your previous logs on the Allecates.
But please do stop referring to me with that silly codename.
I wear my name just fine.

Agent 8: nexus... it isn't a name i recognise.

Agent 8: but she seemed like a big deal for the WHOLE army.

Agent 8: still, their name doesn't even spark that same nagging familiarity i had with you back then

Agent 8: they even mentioned 'Ida'.

Agent 8: and to stand so blatantly against octavio...

Agent 8: who... who WAS this person?

Investigation 4 (Building)

Agent 8: this one is big.

Agent 8: he really was there, with this 'nexus'

Agent 8: please read.

'Voice Log Recording - NS & WA'

You must be very confused, but you'll listen to me now, wont you?
The change some Octarians strive for is what kills them.
The air the Inkopolitans breathe is enough to paralyze,
enough to make you feel like you're sinking in air.
Our jobs are to make sure they remember how they have tainted this world.
It all moves so fast, though...
They're already lapping us despite it all.
But that potential... you see it, don't you?
The Great Zapfish.
Octavio has plans to steal it soon. He's desperate.
But with that, we can power everything.
Our homes, our weapons... your machines.
It's exciting, isn't it?
You'll finally be able to show what you can do.

So I can make anything I want?

Yes, anything.

If I do that, can you let me and my sister go?

You... you think you're stuck here?
Little Wonder, this is opportunity.
If you were still where you were, you'd be as bored as ever

But you said change is scary!
I don't like this place... I want to go home.

Back to your caved in home your family left you in?
Is it your siblings?
I know, it must be scary.
Goliath made sure to give you an ugly welcome.
But I promise, if they say or do anything to you.
I will deal with them myself.
You'll be safe with me, won't you?


I know it is hard.
I grew up with massive expectations as well.
I dissapointed a lot of people...
But Little Wonder, know this.
There is no better feeling than coming back down the line...
As a whole new person.
Isn't that what you want to be?
I can trust you...

A new person...

Agent 8: he was making things. for her.

Agent 8: weapons...

Agent 8: his activity in the crater must have stemmed from this

Agent 8: is he still making weapons for them now?

Captain: that cant be possible

Agent 8: why not?

Captain: because nexus supernova died in front of me seven years ago

Agent 8: ...who the fuck are you making me look into, cap?

Agent 8: we need to know everything. keep looking.

Investigation 5 (Breaking)

Agent 8: agent 3 and her involvement here... its confirmed now.
'Voice Log Recording - NS & CA'

He has been getting along great.
You truly raised him well.
Thank you, Nexus.
But I have to ask... why?
What do you mean?

You know who I am, you said I'd be the best of the Elites, but you're...
You're dancing around my little brother for fun.
If you want someone to do your work, ask me.

It isn't strength I need, Clove.
I appreciate the offer, but I don't a brawler.

What are you making him do?

He is creating things on a larger scale than you could imagine.
I am giving him what he needs to TRULY be of service to us all.
I promise you, the boy is happy.
He was tired, you know.
He said he wanted to be free with you.
In the land of the Inklings.
How... noble.
But what I think is that you would never have allowed that.

Excuse me?

And I... commend you.
You know what it is to be 'free'.
To be part of something bigger...
To be a part of this family.
The Octarian Army... this is family.
You came here for that, and he followed, it...
It is inspiring.

You didn't answer my question.

Your question?

What are you doing to him that I simply can't do?

I am setting him free.

Agent 8: agent 3 and her brother, they were both truly in the octarian army...
Agent 8: and these guys, they werent just any octoleet soldiers, they were something more.
Agent 8: i... i cannot remember. but they have to have been important.
Agent 8: why has she never mentioned this before?
Agent 8: maybe i can talk to her about it. of all people she could trust, maybe...

Investigation 6 (Together)

Agent 8: i couldn't find anything on nexus, but....

Agent 8: agent 3 helped me find this:

'Voice Log Recording - CA & WA'

But she wants to help me!
This is the most I've ever been able to do...
I want to help!

I won't force you to do anything
But she... she doesn't strike me as a person who wants the best for you.
She's a mystery to us all.
She has no ties to this place, I don't even know if she's in the army herself.
She's in this weird... middle ground?
Point is, be careful, Wonder.

Why is she bad?
She is the nicest person.
She lets me help like I couldn't before.
I think I'm already learning more from her than from school
And her workshop is super big!

I know.
I'm happy she's letting you do things for us
I really am, but...
Tell me if she makes you do anything bad.


Like if she makes you do something dangerous or uncomfortable.
You'll tell me, okay?

When I'm all done tomorrow, do you want to see the stars from the Inkling World again

Sorry Wonder, we can't go back there again.
The kettle is too far, they'll probably get suspicious if we're gone for too long.
We can just watch from here though, okay?


Also, keep this a secret.
Nexus probably wouldn't like me saying these things about her.

Okay, I wont say anything.

Agent 8: it seems tame on the surface, but why would they have a voice recording of a private conversation?

Agent 8: it looked like agent 3 didnt know why, either.

Agent 8: these logs have been controlled by nexus, mallek and esa from what i can tell so... were they being spied on?

Agent 8: i think i'l lask her about nexus soon... i don't think they were the best of friends.

Investigation 7 (Standings)

Agent 8: you're able to see this, aren't you 3?

Agent 3: Ya im here

Agent 3: Why is this even restricted anyways?

Agent 8: its a long story

Agent 8: but you found something, right?

Agent 3: Yuuuup

Progress Recording of: Wonder Allecate

You've done so much!
You've suggested better shielding for the Octotroopers, started work on portable respawn pods, And the weapons are complete now... almost.
Octavio's plan might be sooner than we thought...
Wonder, would you be able to keep working tonight?
You work has been excellent, and it would be a shame to stop now.

I'm meant to do something with my sister now.
I want to see her.

Oh seriously? You want to leave?
Surely whatever you're doing with her isn't worth it, dear.
If you just keep going, maybe things will get better for everyone.
With the Great Zapfish, you can do anything.
And everyone will love you for your contributions.
You will truly be a part of this family.

If you want me to stay, I can-

No, Wonder.
You're coming with me.

Clove! What a surprise!
How did you find us here?

A lot of people know where you come and go.
Wonder wanted to do something with me, if you'll excuse us.

Do as you may.

Will you be mad at me?

Here Wonder, with me.
No need to look back.
I know a place around here where we can get a great view of the sky.

Agent 8: you um... don't seem to be a fan of nexus, am i right?

Agent 3: Buhh she was terrible. Did a lot of bad things

Agent 3: Just don't say I was involved in this

Agent 8: WAIT can i ask you about wonder too?

Agent 8: the captain is looking into him as you know, and i just wanted to ask

Agent 8: is he really as dangerous as they think?

Agent 3: ...

Agent 3: Yea

Agent 3: And he'll be a lot more dangerous if you piss him off

Agent 3: So drop whatever this is and stop bugging me about it

Agent 3: I'm here to learn from my past, not run head first into it

Agent 3 has left the chat.

Investigation 8 (Loves Me Not)

Agent 8: agent 3 isnt responding right now

Agent 8: cap, when you see this do you think you could get her in here for me?

Agent 8: im hoping she isnt upset

Agent 8: anyways, this first

Agent 8: this gives us a pretty good look into nexus, but it still confuses me.

'Voice Log Recording - NS & WA'

I promise you, it'll work out okay
I know you've been working hard, but that isn't without reason!
This place... the army.
It's all we have, isn't it?
These people are our family.
We're doing this for them, aren't we?

But I want to see everything else.
This place is small. There is more outside.

You mean beyond this place?
You know you're not allowed to leave, don't you?
The Inklings will hurt you, like how they've hurt us over and over again.
You remember the stories, don't you?
Of the titanic machines made to destroy us?

But isn't that what we are doing too?

We're making these machines to destroy their machines.
There are Inklings born to kill us, Wonder
They wear those tacky clothes and suits...
The Agents... they will never stop.
We will have justice... and peace.
For now, we just have to wait.
It's safe here, isn't it, Little Wonder?
You've been doing excellently.
And you seem a lot happier too.

I don't feel very happy

And why is that?

I want to leave.
I thought you said I could do what I want...

But isn't this what you wanted?
You wanted to prove how strong you are, how smart you can be.
This is your chance, Wonder!
This family... we'll all love you.
We're so close now, only a few weeks...
You've always challenged me to little duels...
Don't you want to challenge me for real?
Soon you'll be strong enough... maybe even stronger than your sister.
When the time comes, you will be able to do anything, Wonder.
Fight. Fight for this family.
Fight for the love we share.

Oh. Okay.
If it will help people, okay.
I won't go anywhere.

Oh it will, Wonder.
Fight on, Wonder.
Fight on.

Agent 8: they seemed to dislike octavio, but subscribed to the ideals of the octarian army

Agent 8: and she was strong, too.

Agent 8: she was trusted to lead the allecates, the warrior family

Agent 8: but it is off. i dont even have a slight recollection

Agent 8: my memory is still imperfect but... someone this important to the army, how would i miss that?

Agent 8: and if wonder really did contribute so much...

Agent 8: it doesnt look like it was by his own choice.

Investigation 9 (Strongest)

Agent 8: there's a time gap between this recording and the last seemingly

Agent 8: we're almost in the middle of 2017 now

Agent 8: i haven't actually read this one fully yet, so lets see

'Voice Log Recording - NS & WA'

How is work coming along, Wonder?

Portable respawn unit prototype is complete.
I think it'll only work for one use since it is new.

Astounding, dear.
And the weapon modifications?

Still on it.
Almost done.

Brilliant news.
Wonder, would you mind stopping for a moment?

Uh, sure.

I feel there's something I have to explain to you.
I understand that in the past... you've often questioned me.

I've never done-

Internally, I mean.
Always keeping you in this workshop even when you wanted to be with your sister.
Oh, you hated me for it.
You might even still.
Would I be right in saying that?


I want to tell you...
About who I was before I came here.
Because I feel that we're very similar, Wonder.

How are we similar?
Everyone loves you.

Well, love isn't the word I would use.
I was in training.
And I was not seeing results.
Much like yourself, before you followed your sister here.
There was always someone bigger, stronger, smarter.
And that is when I reached the lowest...
It was then when I went to Esa and Mallek, you're familiar with them aren't you?
The three of us have been friends for a very long time.
And when I discussed with them what could be done, they advised me.
As they always have.

What did they say?

'Play to your strengths', exactly what I told you all that time ago.
Wonder, you know of the Supernova family name and its status, don't you?
Well, truth is...
That status wasn't introduced until I made it happen.
We always had a lot of money, yes...
But strength...

You're confusing me.

Well, it was when my family made a rather... impulsive purchase.
To this day, I still do not know what they were exactly.
But they were some sort of liquid crystal from a far off land.
My family was always for extravagant yet meaningless showings like these but...
This one interested me.
They said they projected thoughts and feelings... memories and desires.
And that is when I saw it.
A chance.
I realised I was not enough on my own, so...
I went to Esa and Mallek with some.
Esa, being the smartest of us all, found a way to extract the liquid from the crystals...

It doesn't sound like we're similar at all.

Wonder, chances like those shouldn't just fly by you.
I gifted you more power than you have ever had.
The chance for greatness.
Much like my gift to you... those crystals meant everything to me.

What did you even do with them?

The liquid went directly into my bloodstream.

What does that mean?

The extracted essence of them, it was pure.
And it was then when I thought...
We've always struggled to see past our own ways
To TRULY adapt to save ourselves.
Weapons and warriors, it always was.
And I thought...
What if we explored Bioweaponry in the Octarian army?

Did you dream all of this?
I think I want to go home.
Nexus... can I ask a question?

You may, Wonder.
What are you?

I am the strongest Octoling in the world.
...Don't you want to be strong, too?

I want to be strong my way, isn't that what you said?

Face it, child.
Meddling with just these machines all day will get us nowhere.
I mean, look at our failure from before.
We had the oppurunity to do something great...
But things have changed.
Wonder, you have memories you cherish, don't you?
People to fight for?
So listen to me now...
I know just the we can do that.

Working on these things is what I enjoy, so...
How else do you mean?

We can be the strongest. Together.

Agent 8: what is any of this??

Agent 8: bioweaponry through... crystals?

Agent 8: how does that even work?

Agent 3: I thought so.

Agent 8: oh, i didn't notivce you were here 3! hi!.

Agent 3: Those crystals she mentioned, I think she means the ones from Alterna.

Agent 8: ah, so they are the alterna ones. what exaclty are they?

Agent 8: you know the details more than i do

Agent 8: how does something like that make someone stronger?

Agent 3: I uh

Agent 3: I

Agent 8: whats up, agent 3? everything okay?

Agent 3: I don't think I can do this right now.

Investigation X (Wonder)

Agent 8: agent 3, you said you wanted to show us something?

Agent 8: is it another recording i havent found?

Agent 3: Something better, albeit a little biased

Agent 8: ?

Agent 3: My memory.

Agent 3: My memory of what happened that day.

Agent 3: You saw in the last log what Nexus was suggesting to Wonder, right?

Agent 3: That was real. And I didn't stop it. I couldn't...

The Captain has joined the chat.
Agent 3: You chose a GREAT time to join actually!

Agent 3: I have a story to share

Agent 3: But your memory must have caught up by now, huh?

Agent 8: what are you talking about, 3?

Agent 3: I've had this written down long enough to not share it anyways:

July 1st 2017

This is Clove, tenth warrior for the Allecate Division. I'm in Slimeskin Garrison With Wonder, eleventh member of the Allecate Division. I have no idea if we will survive. I'm documenting this in case I cannot make it out. Before the attack, Nexus Supernova was experimenting on my little brother, Wonder Allecate, who was manipulated into being a part of her scheme. When I arrived, it had already begun. I moved through the cloth covering the door, and there he floated, curled in a testing chamber that glowed a strange yellow, splotching the walls of the tainted lab.

She stood below, watching intently. I confronted her myself, and she told me everything. The Supernova family you know is one that has authority and pride. What she told me did not resonate with those ideas. Her life was a culmination of lies, stringing together people who didn't know better for the information she needed. Everything she told Wonder... everything that wasn't disgusting... it was never real. She never struggled, or underwent hardship. Her disgusting obsession with the army, and with unchanging and power were all the drivers of her terror.

Her advisors, Mallek and Esa, they didn't work for her out of respect. It was fear. And now she made it here, as the 'strongest octoling in the world'. An Octoling so strong she didn't have to do a damn thing. She was injected with some sort of chemical... Esa was forced to inject it into her. And I had to watch as the same started to happen to Wonder. That was when I pulled my weapon. I wasn't afraid of her anymore. If her story was true, she probably didn't even know how to fight.

And that suspicion was right.

The attack began quickly. Red lights spun throughout. Sirens blared for attention. Someone was attacking us. Nexus began to panic, turning to leave Wonder behind-

And through the glass shattered, the hero.

They landed with a thud, standing slowly to show their flashy suit. I did not fire. They glared at me with bright orange eyes, turning their attention to the chamber. They smashed the glass enclosure, spilling Wonder and the surrounding liquid out from inside. They turned to Nexus, who was stammering on the ground... smiling.

The strongest Octoling in the world was killed in one shot.

Their soul fluttered away pitifully with nowhere to go. Wonder had already began to open his eyes. And the sight in front of him was one to remember for a lifetime.

The Inkling stood before him. A voice buzzed from their ear, and the Inkling followed it. Standing far back, they pointed their weapon to Wonder. And once again, I was frozen. For a moment, it felt like everything stopped. And the moment kept going, and the Inkling did not shoot. I ran then, grabbing Wonder and holding him before the Agent. If they wanted us dead, they'd have us both. But they didn't.

They turned and walked slowly, saying nothing. They stood before the cloth covering I came in through, admiring it seemingly. They grabbed it gently, feeling the fabric, then ripped it off. They began to cut and tear at it, but their movements werent rough. They adorned it, then, as a cape. They stood proudly for a moment, like a child playing dress up... and then left without a word.

I wasted no time. The alarms kept buzzing, and Wonder was crying. I ran as far as I could. I'm trying to find a way back home... maybe that kettle hasn't been discovered yet? If not... we'll leave forever. And we'll be able to see the stars in the peace of the flowing grass. And maybe, just maybe, everything will be okay.

Agent 8: ...oh my god

Agent 8: this seriously happened? to you?

Agent 3: You have what you wanted.

Agent 3: The reason the Captain wants Wonder?

Agent 3: He's a fucking bioweapon too.

Agent 8: ..cap?

Captain: there's nothing i've hated myself more for than this.

Captain: she's right. i was there that day. and that is why i have jelsha following wonder

Captain: if jelsha knew he... he'd be heartbroken. but i feel that the time for him to know is coming

Captain: he has been wavering for a while, but he has to know the truth.

Captain: if wonder is ANYTHING like nexus, he could be dangerous


Agent 3: He still has that shit inside him...

Agent 3: But the infusion wasn't completed... and now knowing what it was she put in him...

Agent 3: The memory loss makes more sense.

Captain: memory loss?

Agent 3: Thanks to you breaking him out of that chamber, the experiment wasn't complete.

Agent 3: When he fully woke up, he couldn't remember anything.

Agent 3: Nothing besides specific moments and images in his mind... he still thinks I'm his only relative for fucks sake

Agent 3: Does he remember Nexus? I have no idea, and I'm not willing to make him flip a shit by asking that question.

Agent 3: But one thing I do know...

Agent 3: Is that he still fucking HATE us.

Agent 3: The New Squidbeak Splatoon, and anybody involved

Agent 3: I've tried to tell him that he shouldn't hate... but somewhere in his mind Nexus' teachings are lingering

Agent 3: And a certain image of an Inkling aiming a weapon at his head is still in there too, I'm sure.

Captain: agent 3, believe me.

Captain: i have thought about that day for years, no matter how much i dont want to.

Captain: i'm sorry, really

Captain: and i'm sorry i don't have the right words to justify what i did.

Agent 3: I forgive you.

Captain: ...what?

Agent 3: The reason I joined the NSS in the first place... it was for healing.

Agent 3: I wanted to know what it was like... on the other side.

Agent 3: I have no reason to hate you, nor the NSS anymore.

Agent 3: But Wonder?

Agent 3: I don't know how to fully bring out the strength inside of him.

Agent 3: But seeing you might be a good first step.

Agent 3: Do not go after my brother.